Who we are
We’re a team of learners who love to teach. We’ve spent years learning how we learn, now it’s our turn to pass it on.
We go beyond traditional tutoring by offering assistance with not only studies but also an array of challenges faced by all types of learners.
We employ neuropsychology-based techniques to help students with learning challenges such as ADHD or autism excel in their school and personal lives.
We focus not on specific subjects but on what our client needs to be able to understand any subject they are tasked with studying. We combine a deep level of understanding of each client’s bespoke needs with a background in neuroscience and psychology to tailor our long and short-term goals to accurately fit each student.
Our aim is to teach our students how to learn, not what to learn.
We are constantly learning ourselves; our team keeps up to date with the most recent research into study techniques, learning and motivation theory, and neurodivergence in theory and practice. More and more is always being understood about how different brains operate efficiently, our ethos is centred around not forcing any brain to operate in a what that isn’t the most efficient for that person. We have tasked ourselves with helping people open a door that a lot of people don’t even realise is there.
Our mission doesn’t stop there. We also understand how many non-academic difficulties come with both neurodivergence and sometimes just growing up. The professional, social, and academic worlds still heavily favour people who intuitively understand social interactions and norms. We want to work with clients who struggle not only to understand these things but also to navigate them and justify the need to. It can be a daunting and overwhelming thing to be in a situation where you know something is expected of you, but you have no idea what. It can be even more overwhelming when those pressures feel illogical or unfair. We understand. We’re here to show you you’re not alone, and to help you learn how you want to navigate, communicate, and even advocate for how you want your world to be.
Let us help make it make more sense.
Make it stand out.